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Some of my Books


The Ogre's Fairly Grotty

Illustrated by Stewart McGhee



The Ogre's Fairly Grotty is an alternative Christmas Story for children (illustrated throughout in large print) and tells the story of Ogre the ogre.

The story is written and published for the benefit of Mill Ford School for children with special needs, Plymouth, UK, attended by my daughter Amy.


£4.99 Available through Amazon and all good bookshops.

Also on Smashwords as an e-book.


The Mystery of Plymouth's Lost Castle

ISBN- 978-1-900307-08-6


A complete contrast to the Ogre's Fairly Grotty, non-fiction history, about a castle that few people living in Plymouth even new existed. Added to this is that some historical accounts claim it was built by Henry VIII, others by the Bishop of Exeter, and some as part of a civic plan to build a town wall, none of which are correct.

​So it is a historical detective story revealing political indolence and several vicious battles along the way. Nott bad for what is quite a short, primarily local interest book.


£4.99 Available through Amazon and all good bookshops

The Year Cycle of Pagan Ritual



Follow the year as a pagan. A book that examines the history, background and purpose of rituals throughout the year, along with sample rituals that may be performed as described or altered to suit the preferences of any particular path.


£4.99 Avalable through Amazon and all good bookshops


Witch Flying



Where did the idea originate, that witches could fly on a broomstick?

This book reveals the history and truth behind behind the mystery of this aspect of witchcraft. Not only of interest to students of the subject, but also to practitioners.m a paragraph. Do you want to fly like a witch? This book will show you how.


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